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Laredo, Texas

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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Commissioners Court To Consider Ordering Burn Ban

county logoCourtesy Larry Sanchez,

(Laredo, Texas)-With unusually dry conditions continuing, the Webb County Commissioners Court have placed an agenda item to address the issue. The current Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) average for Webb County is 520 and may reach a maximum of 641 within the next fourteen days. (KBDI scale ranges from 0-800 with 800 representing extremely dry conditions) These conditions create a high risk of wildfires with danger to damage life and property.

The agenda item calls for an order to issue a burn ban to stay in effect for a maximum of 90 days and bans all outdoor burning in all the unincorporated areas of Webb County. Any burning within the unincorporated areas of the County will be in violation and will be considered a class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.

Although the use of gas grills and charcoal grills is permitted, the public is encouraged to keep a constant watch for any stray sparks or embers while cooking outdoors.

One of the more effective ways to reduce the possibility of wildfires is to clear underbrush or debris blown down in storms, as these dry plants and vegetation create more fuel for wildfires. It is recommended that homeowners try to maintain a 30-foot defensible space around their home to act as a firebreak.

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