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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Webb County/ Back to School Summer Immunization Clinics

Courtesy Larry Sanchez,

(Laredo, Texas)Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina and the Commissioners Court would like to announce a new service that is now available under the Public Health Services division at the Indigent Health Care department. The court approved for the department to implement an Immunization Program that would offer vaccines to all county residents against life-threatening and vaccine preventable diseases such as: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Polio, Meningococcal (meningitis), Hepatitis A and B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Rotavirus, Pertussis, Influenza among others.  “Not only is this a great resource for the residents of Webb County, but by providing preventive care such as immunizations and health education classes, we are encouraging Webb County residents to take better control of their health,” stated Commissioner Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina.

As part of a collaboration between Webb County and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Region 11, Webb County hired two county nurses who will work under the medical direction and Standing Delegation Orders (SDO) of the State Regional Medical Director. Webb County is also now a provider under the Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) and Adult Safety Net (ASN) programs. These federal/state programs provide recommended vaccines to accredited providers, at no cost, to immunize the uninsured and Medicaid populations.

Webb County is currently scheduling several Immunization Clinics throughout the county over the next few months so parents may have an opportunity to get their children vaccinated with the required back to school vaccines.  These clinics are being coordinated primarily in the rural areas of Webb County such as: Rio Bravo, El Cenizo, Las Presas, Oilton, Bruni, Mirando, Ranchito Las Lomas, and Peñitas West, but vaccines will be available at the main office located at 1620 Santa Ursula, Laredo Texas on dates during the week that clinics are not scheduled.


Thu.    May 21st


Bruni Community Center, 303 12th Street


Wed.   June 10th


Fred & Anita Bruni Comm. Ctr., 452 Rancho Penitas Rd

Peñitas Subd

Tue.    June 16th


Ernesto J. Salinas Comm. Ctr., 917 North Main St


Wed.   June 17th


La Presa Community Center, 1983 Mangana Hein Rd.

La Presa Subd

Mon.   June 22nd 


Larga Vista Community Center, 5401 Cisneros


Wed.   July 8th              

(10am -2pm)

Rio Bravo Community Center, 1600 Orquidia Lane,

Rio Bravo

Thu.    July 16th

(10am-2pm )

El Cenizo Community Center, 3519 Cecilia Lane

El Cenizo

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