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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

UISD Employee Health Program Visits Newman Elem

Courtesy Veronica Cantu,

(Laredo, Tx)-As part of their afternoon session on Staff Development Day, Newman Elementary School invited Michelle Silva, United ISD wellness coordinator for Blue Cross Blue Shield, to do some stretch band exercises with employees. Stretch bands, or resistance bands, are strength-training tools that provide resistance while one exercises.

The bands come in a variety of resistance levels and target all muscle groups in the body. The benefit of using stretch bands is that it allows for a greater range of motion and incorporates more muscle fibers within each move, which can deliver more lean muscle mass. Pictured are winners of the Blue Cross Blue Shield door prizes that were given at the event.

staff devFrom left to right are: Leticia Garcia, Newman Elementary principal; Norma Riojas, clerk; Sonia Alvarado, teacher; and Josefina Lopez, security guard. Silva has been doing various employee wellness presentations at campus in the District.

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