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Sunday, March 16, 2025

TAMIU’s New Atomic Learning Provides On-Demand, Online Software Training 24/7

Courtesy Mika S. Akukini,

tamiu(Laredo, Tx)-Learning at Texas A&M International University is atomic.

Atomic Learning, an online training resource for hundreds of popular software applications such as Twitter, Skype, Photoshop, Google and Final Cut Pro is now available on-demand, 24/7 at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU).

 Launched University-wide this week, Atomic Learning provides all faculty, staff and students access to the highest quality technology training and support resources through its website, atomiclearning.com.

Dr. Pat Abrego, TAMIU director of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, said the University has partnered with Atomic Learning to provide learners of all ages instant access to technology-focused, online training resources around the clock“This training resource will ensure individuals have the answers they need, exactly when and where they are needed,” she said.

 Atomic Learning offers users video instruction on how to utilize selected software as well as needed tech support

“For example, users can learn to use Google Docs to create and edit documents, presentations and spreadsheets as well as design in Dreamweaver and create in Photoshop,” Dr. Abrego said, “They can utilize advanced features of common apps like Word and Excel 2013 and have access to over 50,000 training tutorials.”

Atomic Learning provides a wide-reaching solution for various TAMIU departments and services, including Tutoring and Writing Services, the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library,  information technology, administrative departments, instructional technology and training, disability services and student support services, Abrego explained.

 “For the last several weeks, we have prepared for the University-wide launch of Atomic Learning by visiting key departments that will mostly benefit from its use,” Abrego said, “This new resource allows everyone at the University to get the online training that they need at their own time and pace without having to attend a seminar, and we are proud to now make it available campus-wide.”

 For more information, please contact Abrego at 326.2302, e-mail pa*****@ta***.edu or visit offices located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 259A.

 University office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

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