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Thursday, December 26, 2024

United South Middle School hosts, “Lets All Rise Up To The Challenge Courts in Schools” Program

hCourtesy Carmen Rendon,

(Laredo, Tx)-Students from United South Middle School gathered in their gymnasium, Friday morning to observe the 406th’s district court criminal docket. The Docket consisted of two criminal cases.  One case was for a defendant who was already in custody and the other defendant was detained during the court proceedings.

“Providing students the ability to see first hand the outcome of drug abuse, is the most defining real-world lesson for all,” said Jose S. Tellez, Defense Attorney.  Judge Hale continues to carry out his mission of early intervention for young teens in our community who may be at-risk of developing a drug addiction.  Participants of the 406th Drug Court Treatment Program are ordered, as part of their sentences, to speak to students about the dangers and consequences of drug usage and/or abuse.  “Being in court today has impacted me and will prevent me from using drugs and spending time in juvenile,” said Gerardo Mosqueda-6th grade student of USMS.

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