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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

City of Laredo Mayor Expresses Disappointment in Federal Leadership

Lsalinas66etter to White House expresses concern of government shutdown in Laredo

 Laredo, TX  – Citing disappointment in federal leaders for allowing “a government shutdown to happen, rather than find a way to move forward for the sake of all Americans,” City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas will be sending a letter today to President Obama, as well as to Texas elected officials, pointing out the need for consideration of border communities and major commerce ports.

 Salinas opens the letter by pointing out that “The port of Laredo plays a vital role in the nation’s economic well-being.” 

Most especially, Mayor Salinas will highlight the impact of the government shutdown to “uniform and non-uniform federal employees that make our port operate” and “are also our friends and neighbors. They should not be asked to come to work for an IOU.”

Mayor Salinas highlights the relationship between the federal government and the City of Laredo in providing vitally important services in Laredo.

However, it is Mayor Salinas’ last comment that perhaps best captures not only what most municipal elected officials are thinking, but also, what all Americans are feeling:

 “As a mayor, I understand the need to stand up for principles, but I do not believe any of us have the luxury of turning our backs on our residents.  Laredo is guided by pragmatic doers who believe in rolling up our sleeves, finding common ground on even the most difficult issues and getting things done for the good of the whole.  I encourage Washington to do the same.”

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