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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Existing UISD Facilities Need Renovations and Enhancements

image003Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Tx)-Although most of us think of new buildings when we hear about a school bond issue, in many cases the smartest thing to do with bond dollars is take care of our existing structures.  Part of the overall strategy for United I.S.D. to address the challenge of overpopulated schools is to ensure existing facilities are operating economically.  School buildings that are structurally sound and need only renovations to extend their useful lives are oftentimes more cost effective than building new schools. Thirty million dollars have been allocated in the proposed 2013 United I.S.D. bond issue to address renovations and upgrades.  These recommendations were derived from weeks of study by the 121 member citizens’ bond committee.  The committee worked with district staff and outside consultants to analyze the life expectancy of buildings, systems and materials.


United I.S.D. has eighteen campuses that were built over twenty years ago and three of those are over forty years old.  Such facilities typically need new or renovated air conditioning, floors and electric wiring.  Today’s mechanical systems come with sophisticated controls, are more dependable and are highly energy-efficient. Individual spaces can be controlled with sensors that can lower temperatures and ventilation rates when a room is unoccupied.  Older schools require renovations before they can support certain upgrades, especially as it relates to new technology.  Electrical systems designed two decades ago are inadequate for today’s technology. Older classrooms often have extension cords and a variety of other cables snaking around the sides of the room and up and down walls to accommodate an abundance of projectors, computers and other teaching technology. Many teaching spaces now include a computer for the teacher, two or more computer workstations for student use, television monitors, videocassette and DVD players, video projectors and enhanced sound systems. All of these devices require more power and more cable.


 Taking care of our existing structures makes good business sense.  Updating buildings to provide for more energy efficiency, better security and cutting edge technology provides an enhanced educational environment and, in many cases, a better return on our tax dollars. The proposed United I.S.D. bond issue was recommended by a 121-member Citizen’s Bond Committee after several months of consideration and meetings.  Based on the Citizen’s Bond Committee recommendation, on August 21, 2013, the United I.S.D. Board of Trustees approved a $408.7 million plan for school bond expenditures that will go before the voters on November 5, 2013.  The proposal includes new school construction, safety and security additions and upgrades, technology replacement and enhancements and renovations and additions to existing facilities.


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