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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas’ Reaction to President Obama’s Immigration Reform Speech

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

 Laredo, TX  – “I want to thank President Obama for his continued leadership in seeking to deliver immigration reform this year, an issue that affects all Americans, not just the 11 million citizens who will be able to come out of the shadows and become fully engaged in a productive American life.  I am grateful that the president and Senate leaders already appear to be so close to an agreement.

With that said, we look for the president’s leadership as the Senate proposal is converted from principles to legislative language.  If securing the border means more boots on the ground and the enhanced employment of technology to enhance the nation’s border and our community’s security, the City of Laredo is in favor of such measures. However, if securing the border is a codeword for building a border wall, then, the City of Laredo will oppose any such proposal.

Additionally, the City Laredo will be vigilant to ensure that as the nation better secures our borders, we do not make it difficult to conduct legal commerce, the lifeblood of Laredo’s economy.

 America is a land of immigrants and we should applaud the efforts of President Obama and our legislative leaders as they work together to find a bipartisan solution to fixing our broken immigration system.  This effort will help to positively impact our economy and bring us all together as Americans, with one shared value:  no matter where one comes from, in these United States of America, all are equal to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

 Immigrants are people who have saluted the flag, who love America, who have served in uniform, and who have kept our agricultural, housing and domestic industries thriving, supporting an economy from which many did not receive the benefits that they would pay into and who have dreamt about being able to fully contribute to the only country they have ever known.”

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